Visual studio for mac windows forms

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What they recommend is to write all your 'business logic' cross-platform, and then write 2 completely separate GUIs - one for Windows, one for Mac.Ĭ#/Qt seems to be in its very early phases (though if anyone is stumbling onto this article in 2016 or later, go check it out). Summary: Xamarin is not designed to make cross-platform applications - what they give you is a way to write Mac applications in C#, using the Mac's GUI operations. I also can't tell if they target OSX and Windows, their web site is very mobile-device-centric.

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Can this be done?Īre products like Xamarin the way to go? Xamarin's web site says 'Use the same language, APIs and data structures to share an average of 75% of app code across all mobile development platforms.' but I can't tell what that 25% of app code that is platform-specific might entail. I see lots of old information on this question, and lots of articles flying around the Interwebs, but I can't tell quite where things are at.īasically, I want to write C# code that I can then compile into a native Windows application, and also compile into a native Mac application (no Parallels, no Wine, etc.).